“Mount Everest is a remarkable mountain of myth and legend and it’s still growing,” said study author Adam Smith in a ...
A cocktail of conditions related to the region's geology and the effects of climate change seemingly led to the appearance of ...
It’s almost a century since the idea was proposed, but this is the first time it has been demonstrated with confidence.
Usually, the stem cells found in the bone marrow produce the right amount of each type of blood cell to keep us healthy – but ...
It came down to differences in their vertebrae and genetic markers, which were enough to establish a new-to-science species: ...
Atmospheric rivers are often described as “rivers in the sky”; they’re narrow, flowing columns of condensed water vapor up in the atmosphere that can stretch over 2,000 kilometers (1,243 miles) long.
Across the pond, the oldest river in Europe is thought to be the Meuse, which flows 950 kilometers (590 miles) through three ...
Researchers have resurrected a strange seed that was discovered in a cave in the Judean desert during the 1980s. According to ...
Such is the story behind a new dinosaur species, named Labocania aguillonae, whose dramatic discovery took place in – well, a ...
Taken together, these findings suggest that humans cut up Yuka’s body for meat before she became frozen 39,000 years ago. As ...
Antibiotic resistance is the term for when bacteria no longer respond to antibiotics – they cannot be killed or have their ...
B uilt and designed over 50 years ago, the Soviet K-222 submarine still holds the record for the world's fastest submarine ...