National Gallery of Australia, Canberra. Paul Gauguin’s scene of rural life in the fishing village of Le Pouldu on the B ...
Juan Ignacio Vidarte is stepping down from the museum after more than 32 years. As he prepares to move on, he tells The Art ...
Some of the most beautiful buildings in the United States are suburban synagogues. In the decades following the Holocaust, a ...
Objects such as François-André Vincent’s glasses are illuminated through histories of reading, of seeing and of measuring ...
The Louvre in Paris is fast becoming the musée of choice for stars of both music and film. The rapper Snoop Dogg was taken on ...
The incident, which took place at the National Gallery in 2022, will see Phoebe Plummer and Anna Holland serve two years and ...
The second edition of the event will also include loans from the Louvre, the Bodleian Library, the Qatar National Library, ...
Seized by Hitler's deputy, Hermann Göring, the picture disappeared in mysterious circumstances during the Second World ...
The latest edition of the Biennale Internazionale dell’Antiquariato di Fireze (Biaf) opens at a time when wealthy individuals ...
At around 2:30pm, “three supporters of Just Stop Oil entered the Van Gogh exhibition at the National Gallery and proceeded to ...
The London artist joins Rana Begum, James Righton and Damien Hirst in making installations for the shop windows of Selfridges ...
A public performance of the participatory art installation was due to take place today on the Waterworks River at London's ...