In 1967, in the course of the Israeli invasion of the West Bank, the Israeli military razed three Palestinian villages which ...
America and its origin story are full of unexamined assumptions, one of the biggest being that voters actually cast their ...
Israel is fucking crazy, and they have nukes. I honestly don't have a more tactful way to start this diatribe, I am ...
Faced with two wars, nuclear confrontation, extreme economic inequality, and a climate crisis -- not to mention threats to ...
The launching of the widespread terror campaign targeting civilians in Lebanon is an integral part of the Israeli war ...
An innovative, wide-ranging, thought-provoking account of class struggle in the US since the Civil War, Jon Jeter’s latest ...
I read the polls (hard as it is to imagine Americans with landlines deciding the election), so you don’t have to, but about ...
Is Kamala Harris in danger of losing the women’s vote?  It sounds like an absurd proposition, but the latest New York ...
At the last London protest – the 18th National march against the Genocide in Gaza - a solitary protester held up a home-made ...
There’s no other way to write this outside of the extensive curse words I want to use: What, the actual, hell? How on earth ...
The State of Missouri executed Marcellus “Khalifah” Williams on Tuesday night despite knowing he was most likely innocent of ...
By now it’s clear even to the thick-skulled nabobs running our government, that the U.S. can’t win actual wars. It puts up a ...