The FPÖ is number 1 in almost all Styrian districts, with only south-eastern Styria just remaining in the black. Overall, ...
Despite a false start, the KAC won the first Carinthian derby of the season in the ICE Hockey League. VSV squandered a 2-0 ...
After the election Sunday, Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen has now also spoken out. On the evening of the election ...
September 29, 2024 is an unqualified day of celebration for the FPÖ. The blue party is not only number 1 in the federal ...
The Styrian capital is once again voting very differently to the rest of the country: SPÖ is very narrowly ahead of ÖVP and ...
An asylum seeker (19) from Syria living in Klagenfurt accelerated to 182 km/h in his BMW on the south highway - in the ...
A record result for the Freedom Party in Upper Austria too! Deputy Governor Manfred Haimbuchner is already thinking about the ...
The election result is less than two hours old and the battle for possible coalition options is already raging. Is the motto ...
Gerhard "Gerd" Steinkogler celebrates his 65th birthday on Sunday. The former cult striker for Vienna's Austria used to ...
Until the very end, the ÖVP and FPÖ are in a neck-and-neck race for first place in the Lower Austrian parliamentary elections ...
The NEOS overtook the Greens and celebrated their strongest result in National Council elections. They present themselves all ...
Cats are extremely cute in themselves - but if it's not your own that's running riot in the garden, but your neighbor's, it ...