During descent (ambient pressure increase), cartridges under-delivered 0.51 units of insulin. This may lead to blood glucose being higher than usual but does not pose the same concern as the ...
Web Exclusive Billions Worldwide Consume Inadequate Levels of Micronutrients Critical to Human Health. More than half of the global population consumes inadequate levels of severa ...
“Early childhood is a crucial period of rapid growth and when taste preferences and dietary habits form, potentially paving the way for the development of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes ...
Beta-glucans, a type of soluble fiber (SF) derived from several plant sources, have been postulated as having many therapeutic health benefits. Used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of ...
News Significant Link Found Between Heme Iron, Found in Red Meat and Other Animal Products, and Type 2 Diabetes Risk. Higher intake of heme iron, the type found in red meat and ot ...
Bioactive compounds like polyphenols and their health benefits have long captured public attention and interest. Commonly present in plant-based food like fruits, vegetables, seeds, coffee, and tea, ...
The results show that the more fruit, oats or rye children ate, the more their risk of T1D increased. In contrast, eating strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries, blackcurrants and other ...
From calorie restriction to novel nutraceuticals, the role of nutrition in cellular aging and senescence is a hotbed of scientific interest. But how do researchers gauge whether a given intervention ...