Mrs. Chani Majesky, Director of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, recently shared a poignant and personal story on the FC ... presents a weekly series from the creative minds at the Jewish Children's Museum in Crown Heights. Parsha Studio ... and the Institute of Jewish Spirituality & Society will be hosting a live online webinar on the topic of changing ...
A young fourth-grader at the Lubavitch Cheder in Chicago set out to convey the central themes of Tishrei in a manner that would appeal to even young kids in his new book, “A Journey Through Tishrei.” ...
A woman once wrote to the Rebbe seeking guidance on where to donate—towards a Sefer Torah or the construction of a new shul.
In response to growing concerns about new sanitation rules in Crown Heights which led to some residents receiving tickets, ...
Large crowds packed the inside and outdoor areas at the Rebbe's Ohel in Cambria Heights, Queens on Motzei Shabbos for the ...
Thousands packed the main Shul at 770 Eastern Parkway for the reciting of the first Selichos late on Motzei Shabbos, preceded ...
Thousands spent Shabbos Selichos at the Rebbe's Ohel in Queens, with Davening, learning and inspiring Farbrengens which ...
NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey will hold a security meeting in response to recent concerns of the Jewish community ...
The Rebbe was crystal clear in a Sicha delivered this Shabbos (in 5743): If you want Hashem to bless you with children, ...
A piece of art created from fabrics belonging to Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson has been donated by her friend Rebbetzin ...