The main focus is setback ordinances determining where a large animal feeding operation can go. State leaders have been vocal about the need for North Dakota to expand its livestock output and keep ...
People enter the contest on Instagram by following Montana Conservation Voters, tagging them and using the hashtag "pups for ...
El miercoles, el senador de California Alex Padilla presento un proyecto de ley para prohibir la portacion abierta de armas ...
On Tuesday, Governor Gavin Newsom signed the PEACE Act, which makes California the first state in the nation to state ...
(Utah News Connection) For one Utah teenager, the title “National Daughters Day” only seemed like a dream until recently. Lilyauna Coffey, 19, lives in Salt Lake City. She spent nine years in the ...
El Proyecto 2025 -producto ultraderechista de la Fundacion Heritage- propone deportaciones masivas, recomienda eliminar o revertir las salvaguardias sobre aire limpio, agua potable y tierras publicas ...
Project 2025 is a product of the far-right Heritage Foundation and proposes mass deportations. It also recommends eliminating or rolling back safeguards on clean air, clean drinking water and ...