A Mountain View man has been indicted for falsely claiming that he was deployed on military service to obtain more than ...
In summary Certain synthetic food dyes are linked to behavioral issues in kids. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law to ban them in school snacks by 2028. Many brightly colored kids’ snacks and beverages ...
In summary Folic acid is so important to infant health that it’s required to be added to cereal and bread. A new California law ensures it’ll be in tortillas. Most tortillas and corn masa products ...
In summary The legislation would have required tech companies to test AI for harm to society. It attracted opposition from numerous members of Congress and major AI companies including Google, Meta, ...
In summary Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a controversial gambling bill that could lead to cuts to city budgets now that he’s given legal authority to tribes to sue their competitors in the gambling ...
In summary Gov. Newsom blocks legislation to make it easier for California farmworkers to file workers’ comp claims for heat illness. It was backed by their union and opposed by business groups. Gov.
In summary Gov. Newsom again vetoes a bill to let undocumented immigrants apply for unemployment benefits. He earlier vetoed measures to allow them to apply for homeowner aid, and for undocumented ...